Monthly Archives: August 2008

obamiden 08!

On the heels of my good friend Luke’s terrible dream, I felt the need to post something in response to Obama’s big speech last night (probably because I thought some of the same things Luke did). You have to love the portion of any presidential candidates speech, whether it’s at their party’s convention, in a debate, or on the campaign trail, that goes something like this:

Obama: “I was in South Carolina last weekend and met Mary-Sue Margaret, who’s the daughter of a mill-worker. Mary-Sue’s husband is a disabled Vietnam vet who can’t get affordable health-care… and that’s not the kind of change we can believe in!!!

Crowd: “YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

So you have your typical campaign trail sob story followed by an already shop-worn campaign slogan… followed by an eruption of cheers, flag waiving, “Obama” chanting crowd.

$10 says McCain says something eerily similar.  I think I missed my calling as a presidential candidate speech writer…

tim balint wants the jennie finch challenge

So apparently my good buddy Tim thinks he can hit Olympic Softball players like Cat Osterman and Jennie Finch.  I told him that I’d give him THREE at bats and he couldn’t even put a single ball in fair play.  Watch this video (fast forward to about 1:30), then post below how insane Tim really is for thinking he can hit Jennie Finch or Cat Osterman.

happy birthday bell!

(from Gia)

BELL IS ONE TODAY!!! Just thought I would shout that out into CyberMyFaceSpace 🙂

At this time last year I was finally getting checked into the hospital experiencing the joys of 10 cm dilation with no pain meds. Woo Who! I would do it a million times over for her.

After two hours of pushing the most amazing thing happened. A BABY came out of me. She was gooey and perfect. She looked at me and I said “Hi Bella. I’m your mama. Do you think you could have made me push any longer?” She had brand new rosy skin and the nurses were all insisting that she was the prettiest baby they had EVER seen. They told Brian and I over and over: “No really *serious face* she is the most beautiful baby we have helped birth in this hospital. Brian and i weren’t disagreeing with them.

The visitors had finally cleared out. Brian was resting for the first time in 18 hrs. Bella and me finally got our first Mom and Daughter moment. I will treasure that moment for the rest of my life. We stared at each other for a while then I kissed her lips. She reached up and put her little mittened hand on my check. I talked into the night with her about stuff: the world, her dad and how he won’t let her wear Giants apparel or bikinis, really great food she’s gonna love: (icecream, hotdogs, garlic fries) her family and about commitment. To God to people and to what is right. She fell asleep.

It was so good though because I had a break through after blabbing away for an hour. :)It is this: there is no way i am going to repeat the cycle my mother left for me of abandonment and abuse. That instead of living my life with the “inconvenience” of children I had died to myself to live for my daughter. Isabella deserves that. All kids do. She transformed the day I met her and continues to daily.

Brian and I have turned into bonefide parents!!. I’m so proud of her and she doesn’t even win scholarships or cheer competitions or MVP’s. May I remember that when she is in her teens-yikes! NEway… She is our little treasure from heaven and we celebrate her today. Love you my Bella D.


I like the olympics. The athletes are amazing. I’m wondering if there is any chance in the world I could beat the best athletes in the world… albeit with a little help. So, with your help, in my quest to be an Olympic champion, I need to know what’s more likely:

A.) I could swim faster than Michael Phelps… with flippers.

B.) I could hit a Cat Osterman fastball… if she threw overhand.

C.) I could beat Tyson Gay… on my scooter.

Post your votes below!

(p.s. forgive the tardiness of this post; I’ll post the reason soon)